Keeping Your Cool
It can be hard to keep your cool when things get a *little* stressful, let alone during a heatwave! Both of our offices soared to about 31 degrees last week. It was safe to say we were absolutely melting and of course we did the classic British thing of constantly complaining about how hot we were. The dogs were absolutely loving life in their little paddling pools enjoying frozen treats and going on early morning adventures before it got too hot.
Anyway, this blog is not so much about keeping cool temperature wise, but more about keeping calm when things start to feel too much. All too easily we can become overwhelmed with our to-do lists and end up spending more time worrying about getting everything done rather than actually doing it.
We like to write everything down. And when we say everything, we mean everything. At the start of each week we make comprehensive to do lists, from sending a specific email to writing and sending a newsletter. This really helps us offload our brains and see all our tasks visually. It is also extremely satisfying working through the quicker tasks and getting to tick those off first!
Another handy tip is to timeblock. This ensures you don’t end up spending way too long on one task leaving you short on time for the next. Time blocking is also a great way to focus your brain, allowing it to concentrate solely on one task without straying to another. Trying to get lots of things done at once is never a good idea, and leaves you more susceptible to making mistakes.
Although work is extremely important, make sure you always look at the bigger picture. You are only human and can only do so much. As long as you know you have done your absolute best, that’s what really matters!
Keep cool and carry on - something like that anyway!
Sunny (and cool!) wishes,
Jo & Vic